To design and deliver high-impact leadership development experiences, understanding the conditions that foster true growth is essential. Our latest Adeption Insights Series report – How Adults (actually) Develop — seeks to answer two pivotal questions for leadership development professionals:

  1. What conditions contribute to the development of leaders?
  2. What impact does vertical development have on leaders’ development journeys?

Our analysis draws from the responses of over 1,2OO leaders in our development programs — revealing 12 recurring themes that highlight the optimal conditions for personal and leadership growth. These themes closely align with the principles of vertical development and Adeption’s Be Conscious, Be Curious, Be Better (B3) methodology.

In this report, we unpack:

Vertical Development: Grounded in adult development research, vertical development asserts that individuals progress through predictable mindset stages. There are three primary conditions required for vertical development:

  1. Heat Experiences: Complex situations that challenge usual ways of thinking.
  2. Colliding Perspectives: Exposure to new worldviews and opinions.
  3. Reflection: Integrating and making sense of new ways of thinking.

Adeption’s Be Conscious – Be Curious – Be Better (B3) Methodology: This framework is designed to help leaders focus their development on their current context, access new approaches, and continuously improve through deliberate practice and reflection. It emphasizes creating a supportive environment optimized for learning, helping leaders become more self-directed in their development over time. Read more about B3 here.

Findings from Leaders and Commentary from Our Coaches: We explore the practices leaders find valuable for their growth, their breakthrough moments, and thematic insights into what has made a difference in their real-life development journeys.

Download the report to explore ideas for enhancing your team’s growth and optimizing conditions for development in your leadership initiatives.

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