The integration of artificial intelligence in leadership development is still in its early stages, with only 24% of professionals currently utilizing AI, according to the LEADx Leadership Development Benchmark Report 2O24. It’s no surprise the most popular use case is...
Download Adeption Insights Series: Mindset growth through leadership development. One of the biggest challenges leadership development practitioners face is proving the tangible impact and return on investment of development initiatives. This is particularly true when...
Leaders are increasingly grappling with complex challenges, rapid change, and growing demands on their time and attention. Our new Insight Series Report, How to Develop Adaptive Leaders, dives into the challenges, goals and shifts leaders are focused on today....
What does the future of leadership development look like? In the last 12 months, we’ve worked with organizations that are doing some incredible work to help their leaders navigate disruption and change. Our clients around the world tell us they’re facing volatility on...
“I always wanted to become a leader and now I don’t.” That’s an eye-opening start to a conversation with a leadership development professional! We are discussing the path Lettie Dalton has taken on her way to becoming a coach, facilitator, and General Manager of...
Long before Dan Lake was a lead facilitator and coach at Adeption, he was a bungy jump instructor and tour guide. “It’s different but similar when you compare motivating people to leap off a bridge and taking a professional or personal leap of faith. Most people...